Thursday, October 17, 2013

Protective Styling II

As you know, I am really into protective styling.  During the colder months of the year (not many in Alabama) I like to protect my hair by wearing cute hats and scarfs to transition from outdoors to inside. 
Voting Day 2012
 A Sharifa Wip Exclusive

Pin up using braiding hair.

On the way to DST Centennial Celebration
Weeeelllllll... now I have taken protective styling to a whole 'nother level!!!!! I have decided that since all of the young girls with hair are doing it, I am NOT going to let them out do me!!!! So, I called a young lady from my church and one of my former students that I still keep in touch with and the gave me the resources I need to protect my hair for the ENTIRE winter!  YAAAAASSSSS!!!!!

So now here I am....LONG HAIR DON'T CARE and loving it!